Lawn Bowling:
is a fun sport that can easily be learned
is a very social sport
can be played by all ages and is a sport for life
does not require physical strength
does not require special equipment or clothing
has many health benefits.
There is very little commitment
For club games (known as Jitneys) there is no commitment to play on specific days or times. Members just turn up a few minutes before the advertised time and teams are made up from the members present. This means you can play as often as you wish without prior arrangement.
The only exception to this is tournaments where pre-booking is necessary.
Social play and tournament play
Most members just bowl socially, that is, club jitneys and club tournaments.
However, there are opportunities to bowl more competitively in open tournaments and District playdowns.
Basically, you can get out of the sport whatever you want to get out of it.
Social Interaction
The simplicity of the game and the low-impact exercise it involves makes it attractive for many people to play. Friends and family can play together as it can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of age, gender or physical condition.